Water Doser Mixer

Dox 25 – Dox 25 M

Dox 30 – Dox 30 M

Domix 35




The water meters -DOMIX- are fundamental electronic devices to standardize and improve the quality of the dough, both in the artisan and in the industrial baking processes. The DOMIX, keeping the temperature constant throughout the dosage, avoid the deterioration of the dough yeast that may occur with thermal shocks, typical of manual dosages or made with less precise devices (in terms of quantity and temperature). The error margins of the DOMIX are lower than 1%. All the materials that come in contact with the water are compliant with the existing directives for drinking water. To ensure maximum reliability, we tests every machine through an automated testing bank, validating the batches of each device through the calibration of the litre-counter. All models are available in 115V or 230V voltage while the models directed to the North American market are UL/CSA and NSF certified.
“DOX 25 – DOX25M”
The DOX 25M (photo) is an electronic water doser-mixer with external hydraulics and thermostatically controlled; the temperature is to be set with a knob on the thermostatic mixing valve: this keeps the set temperature even in case of changes in the inlet temperatures. Suitable for artisan bakeries, the DOX 25M optimizes the water dosing process, ensuring accuracy and repeatability of quantity and temperature with error margins lower than 1% on the dosing and 1.5 °C on the temperature. The last settings are always kept in memory. The model DOX 25 offers only the dosing function, without the temperature control. The DOX can be controlled remotely via serial interface or remote commands.
“DOX 30 – DOX30M”
The DOX 30M is an electronic water doser-mixer with the hydraulics partially integrated; the temperature is to be set by a knob on the thermostatic mixing valve: this keeps the set temperature even in case of changes in the inlets temperatures and presurres.
Suitable for artisan medium and small sized bakeries, the DOX 30Mmakes it possible to optimize the water dosing process, ensuring accuracy and repeatability of quantity and temperature with error margins lower than 1% on the dosing and 1.5 °C on the temperature. Thanks to its light and integrated structure, it is easy to install in any room, even of small size. The last settings are always kept in memory. The model DOX 30 offers only the dosing function, without the temperature control. The DOX can be controlled remotely via the serial interface or the remote commands.
“DOMIX 35”
The DOMIX 35 is an electronic water doser mixer with thermostatic regulation of the temperature and with the hydraulic part fully integrated. The temperature is adjusted by means of the knob that controls a thermostatic mixing valve. This is able to maintain the set temperature even in case of variations of the inlets temperatures and pressures. The last settings are always kept in memory. Suitable for artisan bakeries, the DOMIX 35 optimizes the water dosing process, ensuring accuracy and repeatability of quantity and temperature with an error tolerance lower than 1% on the dose and 1 °C on the temperature. Due to its robust integrated structure and compact dimensions it’s easy to install it in any room, even of small size. The DOMIX can be controlled also via the remote commands.